Proverbs 24:6 (ESV)
For by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.
Why Our Services
One million homeless youth
It is amazing how we see the numbers- over one million homeless youth in America- but they have no effect. “I don’t see any homeless teens here,” we think, “so these figures must not be accurate,”
Homeless female youth have a 42.9% chance of experiencing sexual abuse compared to a 27- 32% chance of non-homeless female youth, though both are alarming.
12-17 year olds
12- 17 year olds are more at risk of homelessness than adults
75% of runaways and homeless youth have dropped out or will drop out of school.
more at risk
Homeless youth are more at risk for socially unacceptable behavior, inadequate social skills, psychological devastation, and delayed physical or mental development. Homeless youth are at a higher risk for anxiety disorders, depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicide because of increased exposure to violence while living on their own.
Overall, homeless youth are also likely to become involved in prostitution, to use and abuse drugs, and to engage in other dangerous and illegal behaviors.
14,915 homeless youth
There are approximately 14,915 known homeless youth among us in Massachusetts. The state figures noted here do not accurately quantify the number of homeless youth in the state because homeless youth are often a “hidden” population and only a fraction receive shelter or housing support.
what's the reasoning?
Youth become homeless for varying reasons, including running away from home, being abandoned by their parents or guardians, being emancipated, or being discharged from some form of state care. Homeless youth often flee homes where they experience physical abuse and between 17 and 35 percent experience sexual abuse.
20,000 - 25,000 youth
Every year, between 20,000 and 25,000 youth, ages 18 and older, age out of the foster care system. Without a home, family support or other resources, homeless youth are often locked up because they are without supervision.
shelters or streets
Living in shelters or on the streets, unaccompanied homeless youth are at a higher risk for physical and sexual assault or abuse and physical illness, including HIV/AIDS.