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​Proverbs 24:6 (ESV)
For by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.

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Take the Pledge

October 10th is World Mental Health Day. There are proven benefits for physical, spiritual, and mental health in exploring outside. We should never have stopped recess in elementary school. if you are already an outdoor enthusiast add and extra mile, or an extra hour to what you are already doing. if you are new to self-care and personal time, try a Zumba class, go for a walk, a hike, a bike ride, try a line dancing class or yoga.

We are going to be at the Cliff Walk in Newport on World Mental Health Day and we invite you to join us. We challenge you to go outside and play. We challenge you to make that appointment with a therapist or coach that you have been putting off. We challenge you to take that trip you've been dreaming about forever. We beg you not to work on your vacation. We challenge you to say no to that extra project that will make you work through your lunch break, your quitting time or your days off.

Whatever it is that will bring you joy, peace, or good health, we challenge you to take the pledge. Put your commitment in writing here. I pledge to complete the Clifff Walk on World Mental Health Day

For World Mental Health Day I pledge to hike the entire Newport Cliff Walk and not stop before the end.